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Media Campaign Simulator!

Campaign Simulation - Parmalat


Paraguay is a developing country in South America while Parmalat is an Italian multinational corporation that produces milk. Parmalat has been in Paraguay since 1994 and is a great choice for Parmalat because dairy products are a large part of Paraguayans’ daily food intake; the product will thrive in this family-oriented country. The number of lactose intolerance articles that can be found in Paraguayan news websites from 2017 to 2019 is outstanding. Parmalat currently sells “partially lactose- free” milk, therefore, in 2019, Parmalat will work to promote a 100% lactose-free line of milk and chocolate bars for easy digestion. Print media reaches the entire country, even rural areas, while television and the Internet are limited to people with a television and a computer. Parmalat wants to reach stay at home moms, working moms, stay at home dads, and anyone in charge of the household. A press release will be used to announce the new product using all the newspapers in the nation. Despite Paraguay having the ”highest penetration rate for social media use in Latin America at 83%,” it doesn't mean that the majority of the country has access to social media. Only 6% of the population owns a personal computer, and only 51% are Internet users. A press release has a better chance to reach a large percent of the population without electricity, who do not own a cellphone or a computer.

Key Messages

  • Parmalat adapts to the rhythm of your life. Parmalat is the pioneer of shelf-stable milk. Parmalat has the milk that lasts for months.

  • Parmalat wants to go beyond nutrition. We want to be part of your family and watch your children grow strong and healthy, and we have something for everyone.

  • Parmalat 100% lactose-free makes digestion easy. Your digestive system influences your mood; we make sure you stay happy.

Press Release Parmalat Paraguay S.A. (021) 583 822

Parmalat Brings Easy Digestion to Paraguay The Leader company in shelf-stable milk presents a new product line. Asunción, PY - Today, Parmalat is launching their new line of products with 100% lactose-free milk and chocolate bars. Parmalat is aware of the stomach issues that Paraguayans are experiencing and want to bring the solution to all those who suffer from lactose intolerance. Many doctors have advised patients to start consuming lactose-free products, but these products were only available in neighboring countries like Chile and Brazil. The milk products come in three flavors: chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. They also come in different sizes. You can get a family size, 1000 ml box, or a 200 ml, personal size box special for kids. Not only are they full of nutrients and last for months due to their long shelf life, but they are also healthy because no extra sugar is added in any of these products.

For Immediate Release

The chocolate bars are also part of this new line, and they are available in two flavors: chocolate almonds and caramel chocolate. These bars are 100% lactose-free and you can enjoy the amazing taste of chocolate without the tummy aches that follow with regular chocolate bars. Parmalat offers: • Easy digestion to prevent stomach problems • Milk that lasts for months • Different flavors for everyone

About Parmalat:

Parmalat is an Italian multinational corporation that brought its milk to Paraguay in 1994. In 1966 Parmalat began the distribution of long-life milk, supported by a packaging process called Ultra High Temperature that, together with the characteristics of the container, gave the milk six months of useful life. In 1969, it launched the first milk cream ready to consume, in a UHT container, characteristics that no other manufacturer had. ###

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References C9N. (n.d.). Los datos que desconocías sobre la intolerancia a la lactosa.

Retrieved from sobre-la-intolerancia-a-la-lactosa-3699 David Marcial Pérez. (2016, December 30). Half of social media users in Latin America have gone hungry in last year. Retrieved from 2016/12/30/inenglish/1483103018_460394.html Forbes Communications Council. (2017, November 2). Writing A Press Release? 14 Elements You Need To Include. Retrieved from forbescommunicationscouncil/2017/11/02/writing-a-press-release-14-elements- you-need-to-include/#4762452c719f Hora, U. (2014, January 7). Aumentan enfermedades gastrointestinales. Retrieved from segun- salud-n756419.html Parmalat. Acerca. (n.d.). Retrieved from South America :: Paraguay — The World Factbook. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://


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