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Weight loss 101!

Hello everyone!

I'm stopping by to drop a few formulas to find your Body Mass Index! It not only helps you understand where you are in the weight spectrum, but it also helps you define if you qualify for a weight loss surgery, for those of you interested. I reached a BMI of 45, which is defined as "morbid obesity," but I went into surgery with a BMI of 35 (lost the previous weight with the Keto Diet). I am now at a BMI of 27, which finally puts me in the "healthy weight" category! There are many different websites to do this calculation automatically, and there are three different formulas from different developers that come up with a different number! I am only using one of them in this article, and I encourage you to solve the calculations on a piece of paper! This way you are more invested in your efforts to be healthy and will work harder for your own benefit!

Love you all!


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