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Social Media Selling Lies

Turns out, not many people change their minds because of something they see on social media!

Therefore, there is an Advertising Resistance for Future Businesses and Politicians…

What this could mean for businesses is that many products such as weight loss pills and miracle creams for the body and face will not have the same impact as they did a few years ago. Many people now understand the concept of advertising and they are not affected by what companies are trying to sell. It also means that politicians will have a hard time during elections to convince citizens that they are the right candidate for the nation.

I am always open to believe new points of view from politicians and businesses. Especially new technology that is developed to help us overcome the challenges of today. But, I also think that media literacy is responsible for the changes in percentages of people who don’t believe in what they see on Social Media anymore. Media literacy helps you understand concepts like Digital Marketing, Facebook Depression, Online Sales, and “Influencers.”

Products as well as faces of politicians were new to television and the media, so their messages and ideas were interpreted as something fresh for citizens. Today, we are a society who is only interested in the truth. Even though this article predicts a negative future for the profits of businesses: those who tell the truth about their products will succeed. Why? Because we are used to catastrophe, negativism and “bad news.” If a politician is honest on Social Media, that politician will be accepted by the public.

I think the future of everyone who wants to use Social Media for some kind of profit will be forced by the public to be transparent.


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