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College Application Essay Sample 2

Hello everyone! I wanted to leave one of the essays I wrote when applying to the University of Florida. I remembered the frustration I used to get when I first sat down to start writing ANY essay. I feel as if our future in writing is influenced by the professors we get, and that is not something that we can always control as students. Before I applied to the University of Florida, I saw other students cry over not getting admitted, so I felt extra nervous. I want students who are going to enter this competitive world to have something to hold on to in order to get started.

Love you all!

Statement of Purpose - University of Florida

My current Degree, Telecommunications Media, and Society provide a solid base for me to understand media literacy. I can analyze content from the media and use it to develop creative content for electronic media. I intend to acquire extensive experience in radio production and transition my techniques to Television. I am conscious of the effects of digital media on society today; therefore, as a Telecommunications major, I aspire to continue to think outside the box to generate big ideas and take them to the next level to reach a target audience through impactful messages. I believe the television industry will benefit from a deeper level of strategic entertainment.

The Telecommunications Major taught me what tools are available to reach an audience. In other words, I have the who and how. Now, a specialization in Public Interest Communication contributes to the what, when, and where.

What target issues to address

When to assess strategic campaigns, and

Where to begin social change.

The purpose of my graduate study in Public Interest is very similar to my purpose in life. I once heard someone say that there is no purpose in life, and I accepted their argument. I thought to myself: “If there is no purpose in life, I better start having the best time of my life and help others do the same.” For that reason, I created my purpose: To shine, to be better, to be positive, and in my way to prosperity, help others achieve that same feeling of fulfillment.

I selected this particular field of study because I believe that human beings have good intentions. I trust that humans can change their views about power, war, population, competition, success, diversity, loyalty, and the value of the human race and other living organisms. I also understand that change happens in small steps that require time. A Public Interest Specialization will help me save time by learning to be strategic when developing plans for social change.

I always knew I wanted to be in the Communication industry. I will continue to love my field of study and will always be hungry for more knowledge. There are no limits when finding new ways to influence people positively through the use of text, visuals, and sounds. Communication is my passion. Public Interest Communication is the right path for me because I was born to “spread the message” to the world to improve the human condition.


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